Explore the best Joomla Framework

Fully Responsive

T3 Framework is one of the first responsive Joomla frameworks template. It supports numbers of responsive layouts including: Wide, Normal, XTablet, Tablet and Mobile.

HTML5, Bootstrap and LESS

HTML 5 ensures web experience and visualization quality that benefits from rich markup and compatibility. With Bootstrap and LESS- the Dynamic Stylesheet language, you can standardize your grid, typography, and modules with less efforts. All are built in T3 Framework at core.

2 starter themes

T3 Framework comes with 2 starter themes: the usual T3 Blank template (Bootstrap 2 T3 Blank template) and the new T3 B3 Blank (Bootstrap 3 T3 Blank template). Both looks amazingly stunning on any devices.

Flat design

The T3 Framework 2.0.0 is real Flat, both Front-page and back-end setting panel. It deverses a clean layout and typography.

Megamenu and Off-canvas

Megamenu and Off-canvas are highlight features in T3 Framework. It allows you to build up a powerful menu system and you are full control.

Flexible layout system

Does not only look pretty but also is an extremely customizable framework, especially when it comes to layout customization based on visual layout configuration.

Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3 native

T3 is fully compatible with both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3. New updates will be available in case Joomla has new update.

Real Time Theme Customization

ThemeMagic lets you customize your JoomlArt T3 based Joomla template without having to search for the right file or diving deeply into the code, one can easily manipulate most of the template's CSS properties right from the ThemeMagic backend.

Font Awesome 3 & 4

The new version of favorite Font awesome (Font awesome 4) is now available in T3. T3 now supports both Font Awesome 4 and Font Awesome 3.

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Eglise Protestante Malgache en France. Siège National, Maison du Protestantisme  47 rue de Clichy 75009 Paris


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Président :  Dr Seth Rasolondraibe Vice-présiden...

La FPMA a comme orientation théologique « une commun...

  L’Église Protestante Malgache en France ou «...

1946 – Création de la première Eglise Protestant...


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